The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, is a historic peace agreement that was signed on 10th April 1998, marking the end of the conflict in Northern Ireland known as the Troubles. The agreement was the result of years of negotiations involving the British and Irish governments, political parties in Northern Ireland, and the US government.

Here are some key facts about the Good Friday Agreement:

1. The agreement established a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland, with elected representatives from both the Protestant and Catholic communities. This was designed to ensure that both communities had a say in the decisions that affected their lives.

2. The agreement also committed both the UK and Irish governments to promote equality and respect for human rights in Northern Ireland, which had been a major source of tension during the Troubles.

3. The agreement recognized the right of the people of Northern Ireland to identify as Irish, British, or both. This was a significant step towards acknowledging the complex identity of the people in Northern Ireland.

4. The agreement included provisions for decommissioning of weapons by paramilitary groups. This was a crucial step towards ending the violence, as paramilitary groups on both sides had been responsible for numerous deaths and injuries during the Troubles.

5. The agreement also established a Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission to promote and protect human rights in the region.

6. The Good Friday Agreement was widely hailed as a breakthrough in the peace process, and was supported by both the UK and US governments, as well as by most of the political parties in Northern Ireland.

7. The agreement has faced some challenges in the years since it was signed, including the collapse of the power-sharing government in 2017. However, it remains a landmark achievement in the ongoing effort to bring peace to Northern Ireland.

In conclusion, the Good Friday Agreement is a significant milestone in the history of Northern Ireland, and a testament to the power of negotiation and compromise in resolving even the most intractable conflicts. Its legacy continues to be felt today, as Northern Ireland works towards a peaceful and prosperous future for all its citizens.