Plural Agreement Grammar: An Important Aspect of Proper Writing

The English language can be tricky, especially when it comes to grammar rules. One aspect that can often cause confusion is plural agreement grammar.

Plural agreement grammar refers to the way that nouns, verbs, and other parts of speech change to indicate when there is more than one of something. This is important to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. Failure to use proper plural agreement grammar can make your writing appear unprofessional and can even lead to misunderstandings.

So, how do you use plural agreement grammar correctly? Let`s take a closer look.


In English, most nouns form the plural by adding an “-s” to the end of the word. For example, “dog” becomes “dogs” when there is more than one. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, such as irregular plurals like “child” and “foot,” which become “children” and “feet,” respectively.

When referring to a group of nouns, it`s important to use plural agreement grammar with any accompanying pronouns or verbs. For example, “The dogs are barking” is correct, while “The dogs is barking” is not.


When forming sentences in the present tense, verbs must agree with the subject. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.

For example, “The dog barks” is correct when referring to a single dog, while “The dogs bark” is correct when referring to multiple dogs.

It`s essential to keep this in mind when using compound subjects, where two or more nouns are connected with “and.” In this case, the verb should always be plural. For example, “The dog and the cat play” is incorrect, while “The dog and the cat play” is correct.


Pronouns must also agree with the number of the nouns they replace. For example, “He” is the singular pronoun for “dog,” while “they” is the plural pronoun for “dogs.”

It`s important to remember that some pronouns, such as “everyone” or “someone,” are always singular. In these cases, the verb that follows should also be singular.


Proper use of plural agreement grammar is essential for clear and concise writing. Understanding the basic rules of plural agreement grammar can help you avoid common errors and ensure that your writing is professional and effective.

As a professional, it`s important to keep these grammar rules in mind when crafting content for clients. By paying attention to plural agreement grammar, you`ll help ensure that your clients` websites rank higher in search engine results and make a lasting impression on their readers.