New help for people at risk of diabetic foot ulcers

Feetsee is an innovative non-invasive at-home medical device for periodic evaluation of the temperature over the soles of the feet for signs of inflammation.

The burden of diabetic foot ulcers

Closely linked with diabetes neuropathy and diabetic nerve pain, diabetic foot ulcers affect many people with diabetes

Around 25% of people with diabetes develop a foot ulcer 1

Every 30 seconds lower limb or part of a lower limb is lost to amputation as a consequence of diabetes 2

$109B is spent annually on lower extremity complications of diabetes in the U.S. alone 3

Randomized controlled trials have found that local areas of increased temperature indicate areas that are likely to ulcerate 4_6

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The burden of diabetic foot ulcers

Closely linked with diabetes neuropathy, diabetic nerve pain and diabetes foot care, diabetic foot ulcers affect many people with diabetes;

Experts suggest that around 10% of people with diabetes develop a foot ulcer at some point;

Every 30 seconds lower limb or part of a lower limb is lost to amputation somewhere in the world as a consequence of diabetes;

Recognizing early symptoms and acting on them immediately can help to avoid diabetic foot ulcers

Why Feetsee?

Detecting early inflammation signs may help avoid painful complications and lower medical costs.

An empowering tool for patients to take better care of their health by monitoring their feet at home.

‘Additional eyes’ and a communication tool for doctors to better manage their patients’ health.

Feetsee is an ideal way of monitoring the feet for people with limited sight, mobility, or access to assistance.

Designed to bring patients closer to the health care professionals for better care.


What you will need to set up

Personal smartphone or tablet;

Feetsee app;

Feetsee thermal device;

Feetsee stand.

Secure data access and sharing with clinicians.

Real-time alerts and notifications.

Easy-to-view timeline of all your feet check-ups.

How does it work ?

Feetsee provides information indicating when the patient and healthcare provider should communicate for further evaluation and treatment regarding any potential localized inflammation signs observed on the feet via the electronic temperature sensing system and remote visualization of its data. The Feetsee device by Diabetis JSC is not yet approved or cleared for marketing.

1. Get prescription – Feetsee is a prescription device, available from several physicians and select healthcare networks. To find out if you are eligible for Feetsee, please fill out our contact form or discuss with your healthcare provider.

2. Download Feetsee app and get Feetsee hardware – Feetsee app is available for iOS and Android users, to be used in conjunction with Feetsee thermal and optical imaging device.

3. Check feet daily – With the thermal imaging device connected to your smartphone/tablet you will be able to monitor your feet daily, receive monitoring results, and view your timeline

4. Connection to your physician – Feetsee provides information indicating when you and you healthcare provider should communicate for further evaluation and treatment

1. Prescribe Feetsee to your patients – Patients will be able to use self-monitor for signs of inflammation at home

2. Get the results – Receive a notification when inflammation signs have been detected for a patientusing Feetsee at home

3. Check your patients at the clinic – Use the Feetsee thermal camera to evaluate the status of the feet